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Barnard Announces Remote Option for Final Exams

The email, sent out by Dean Leslie Grinage, outlines changes to end of year academic policies.

Photography by Samantha Candelo-Ortegon/The Barnard Bulletin

April 25, 2024

At around 4:30pm on Thursday, April 25th, Barnard Dean Leslie Grinage updated students on policies regarding final exams, academic standing, and more in an email titled “Guidance on Exams and Academic Policies.”

“Barnard will align with Columbia” in their decision to require instructors to provide students with an online final exam option at students’ request, says Grinage. Students must opt in to take online exams by the end of the day on Monday, April 29th — the last day of classes. Students are not required to disclose the reason behind their choice to take exams online rather than in person.

In her email, Grinage briefly mentions Barnard’s Honor Code, emphasizing that the same conditions apply to online exams as those which are in-person. In addition, Grinage highlights important dates and policies regarding incomplete grades, deferred exams, and more.

Grinage announced that the deadline to request an incomplete grade has been extended to Friday, May 10th for those who are not graduating this May. Graduating seniors must get in contact with their class dean to discuss available options.

The final deadline to complete any incomplete Spring 2024 coursework is September 2nd, 2024. The Dean also discusses the option of deferred exams, stating that they “cannot be requested in advance of exam week and that a Deferred Exam Form must be filed on the day of the exam.” Grinage also explains what would happen in the case of falling ill during an exam.

Earlier this semester, the deadline to Pass/D/Fail a course was extended to Monday, April 29th. While that date remains the same, the Dean has announced that students are now allowed to Pass/D/Fail two courses instead of just one. “Pass” grades will still not count towards the minimum credits required for Dean’s List consideration. Grinage reminds seniors that they will not be able to uncover their “pass” grades in their final semester. There has been no information regarding when the deadline to uncover Pass/D/Fail courses will be or if they are eligible to count towards major requirements.

Concluding her email, Dean Grinage expresses “sincere hope that this information, including adjustments to academic policy and practice, will be helpful” as the Spring semester comes to a close.

*Update: In an email sent to students on Monday April 29th, Dean Leslie Grinage outlined new updates regarding Barnard College’s Spring 2024 Pass/D/Fail Policy.

While students are still allowed to Pass/D/Fail 2 Spring 2024 courses, students can now elect a course from their Major/Minor to be counted as Pass/D/Fail. Students may only Pass/D/Fail one major course or one minor course—but cannot Pass/D/Fail a Major course and a Minor course.

The new deadline to Pass/D/Fail courses is Friday, May 3rd. Graduating Seniors have until Friday May 10th to revoke a Pass/D/Fail for the semester.

Dean Grinage advises students who plan to Pass/D/Fail a Major/Minor required course to consult with their advisor before making such decision.


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